Girls Do Porn: Sex Trafficking, Coercion, Manipulation

What makes porn so disturbing beyond just the portrayal of sexual acts, is how certain porn companies get away with manipulating women to film shoots for them. My curiosity of the subject led me to a post, which exposed the individuals behind Girls Do Porn, a popular porn producing website that often films women aged 18-22 and whom are usually college students. The article talks about how the people behind Girls Do Porn trick and manipulate these college females into filming porn scenes. In the article it dives into the illegal practices this company made in order to get these women to film.

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The people running Girls Do Porn are Michael Pratt, Matthew Wolfe, and Andrew Garcia. They put craigslist ads for modeling gigs in college towns to attract young women who were looking for money or wanting to further there modeling career. They then told them they would be paid $2,000 dollars to participate in the modeling gig. Before they were hired it was required that the women take pictures nude and then send them to the person who created the listing. After approval they would buy plane tickets for the women to fly them out to San Diego for the porn shoot.

A few days before the plane was scheduled for departure, they would call the women to tell them it was going to be a porn shoot. Knowing this would cause concern for the women who they were trying to deceive, they told the individuals they can call girls who had worked for them before to make sure that this was a legal legit gig. The girls they called were all paid actors set up by the company to make sure these women got to the destination. The women were also reassured that the films would not be posted on the internet and would be sent out on DVD in Australia… They were posted on the internet.

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Currently there is an ongoing trial against Girls Do Porn, the people who own Girls Do Porn is Michael Pratt, Matthew Wolfe, and Andre Garcia. They face life in prison for sex trafficking through force, fraud, and coercion. There are 22 women who are in the lawsuit against Girls Do Porn.

The story gets even more fucked up, when the owners of Girls Do Porn were linked to PornWikiLeaks, which earlier this year had leaked the personal information of porn actors and actresses within the industry. Another porn company Bang Bros ended up buying the domain and getting rid of all the data that was on PornWikiLeaks.

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The porn industry has a lot of shady dealings that happen without one’s knowledge where women are manipulated, coerced, forced, and objectified. Hopefully this lawsuit brings about more regulation in the porn industry so this never happens to anyone ever again.


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