Daddy’s Princess

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Let’s take a look at a “perfect” textbook family. As a young girl, Dad is a hero, protector, and unstoppable. He treats Mom with respect and love which in turns shows the daughter how a man should treat a women. He also takes time to spend it with his daughter teaching her how she should be treated as the most precious person in his life. This influences the self-esteem of the daughter and will expect to be treated by boys how her Dad has treated her. A father’s role in a daughters life is crucial for later developing relationships in the future. Having said that, I have many women in my life that did not have a father figure in their lives and are the most strong and independent people I know. However, their transition to adulthood and balance of relationships were not easy. The relationship between fathers and their daughters has been relatively recent in recognition. The main focus was mainly on mothers and how they can affluence their children’s emotional and physical wellbeing. The role of the father was set aside from this study because a father’s role was considered as a provider. However, research has shown that a father’s role in his daughter’s life can form her self-esteem, self-image, and confidence. These in turn influences their opinions of men and what they search for in a mate.

Princesses. Happily Ever After. My Prince Charming. Many Fathers call their daughters their “little princesses” indifferently. However, this familiar term has been brought up by others pointing out how patronizing it can come off to impressionable young girls. Princesses need to be rescued. Princesses need help from others. Princesses have a high emphasis on their physical appearance. We don’t think of princesses being strong, brave, or leaders. If you are to arouse the feelings of what in means to be a princess, it could reinforce those traits in the absence of reinforcing other traits. Children are impressionable on this and can pick up on these schemas as a rulebook for how they should behave, what they should like, what they should pay attention to, and how they should act. While many fathers see themselves as their daughter’s protectors (or their knight in shining armor), it is also important for a father to instill in his daughter that she can be her own protector too.

Fathers are the first template of what it is to be a man and whether it is positive or negative, he is the standard against which other men will be compared. A girl can perceive her father’s lobe from an early age, so when she grows up, she’ll want to find a stable relationship that inspires peace. Closeness between parents can unconsciously help younger women make fewer mistakes when choosing a partner. I used to always hear the saying “a women’s first relationship with a man is her father”. If the father is distant and lacks emotional support, the daughter will continue to search for validation from men willing to flatter her. If the father is overprotective, the daughter will search for someone to provide for her. If her father belittles women, the daughter will learn to tolerate this and even look for the same treatment from other men. But, if her father instead shows respect for women, the daughter will expect the same respect from all men. If a father instills his daughter to believe she can accomplish anything she sets her mind to, she will.

The role of a father in a daughters life within a “perfect” textbook family cannot be overstated. From early childhood, a father serves as a protector, hero, and educator through his actions and treatment of both his daughter and mother about what it means to respect and love women. This portrayal effects his daughter’s self-esteem and shapes her expectations of how she should be treated by future relationships. The significance of a father’s life has been undervalued with the primary focus of maternal influence. Fathers are often viewed primarily as providers rather than emotional caregivers. However, research now acknowledges the profound impact that fathers have on their daughters self esteem, self image, and confidence. The notion of”princess culture”, while endearing to some, can perpetuate gender stereotypes and limit perceptions of women and their capabilities. Father’s serve as the first template of a relationship for their daughters and their influence can shape the daughter’s perception of men and what to expect from them in a relationship. A father’s love and support from an early age can inspire young women to be their own protector while seeking stable and respectful relationships in their adulthood. A father’s role goes beyond providing material support. It includes nurturing his daughter’s emotional well-being and instilling the belief that she is capable of achieving anything she sets her mind to. Through the use of positive reinforcement and guidance, fathers can help empower their daughter to navigate life with confidence and resilience.

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