The 3 B’s: Boobs, Butts, and Bellies

Being a woman in today’s generation and society, there are many things we have to keep in mind to cover up, and frankly it SUCKS! During my high school years I had a very conservative, out-dated coach for field hockey. She had believed that our team was too always look, act, and especially dress respectful. Her motto was to always have the “three B’s” covered when representing our team, three B’s meaning; boobs, butts, and bellies. If we as the players were to have any of these body parts somewhat displayed in school, we were sent home by our coach to change and come back. 


Having such a dictating experience in high school, I have learned a lot about not only myself, but also society in general. This contemplated topic of the “dress code” is so sexist and subjective towards women for many reason. For starters, I think that our first amendment clearly expresses that we have the freedom of expression, which to me includes what we want to wear. Although I personally would not choose to wear a highly provocative skirt or dress, I think that we as women should still have the option to if we wanted to. When I say “have the option to”, I do not mean legally, because legally, we do have the right to wear what we choose. I am talking about the way in which society judges women on how they are dressed.

Society has created this stereotype of how a “respectable” woman should dress, and to many girls in today’s young adult generation, that would not be considered stylish. I think that if a man were to walk down the street shirtless, only some heads would turn and get a reaction, but if a woman were to do the same thing, there would be disrespectful comments yelled by men and judging/ harsh stares from other surrounding women… so why is this? Why can’t nudity be equally accepted, no matter who is wearing it?


This idea of inequality within the acceptance of nudity between women and men has stemmed from the over sexualization of women throughout the years. Our society has seen and abused women for their bodies and sexual abilities for many generations now. This power that men hold over women in a sexual light has been glorified in things such as Hollywood and even “reality” TV shows. (if you can even call them that) With this publication of women’s bodies seen as sexual toys and tools, a wall has been put up to changing this, leading to the inequality of nudity between genders. If society could publicize women’s bodies as strong and powerful, instead of “nasty” and “slammin”, then maybe we could feel comfortable showing off our three B’s if we choose to. Our boobs, butts, and bellies should be things that we can show off if we choose to, and not be judged for it. So let’s take a stand in supporting corporations that DO portray women’s bodies to the public, the way WE see them, strong, powerful, and more than just sex. Are ya with me?

sexism poster

3 thoughts on “The 3 B’s: Boobs, Butts, and Bellies

  1. I think what pisses me off the most about the double standard in the dress code mentality is that if a woman deviates from it–i.e., shows one of the three B’s, then “she’s making herself a target for sexual assault.” And if, God-forbid, she does get taken advantage of, “well, did you see what she was wearing? She was asking for it.” It’s pathetic, and a cop-out if I’ve ever heard one.

    I understand that there’s a matter of indecent exposure, but if we’re going to make those assertions, we need to level the playing field. If it’s not okay for a woman to show her goods, then a man shouldn’t either. And for God’s sake, a miniskirt is not an invite to be assaulted. That has GOT to stop. Great consciousness-raising piece. (:


  2. I agree with ladychaotica21 – clothing choice should not ever be an assumed invitation to sexual activity.

    However, I wonder if there is also room to examine the trend toward *fashioning* women purely as objects of sexual desire. I often feel like women need to be in various states of undress in order to be fashionable – which doesn’t feel like freedom to wear whatever we want.

    I really like what Kelly said at the end about supporting those who offer strong and powerful images of women – regardless of what they are wearing.


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